slide show

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Images published in national magazines

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Good Morning Folks,
I have been over the moon that a number of my product photography images have appeared in national magazines this year, so I thought it was high time I showed a few :)
It was a pleasure to photograph the wedding cakes of the magnificent Janeymac Cakes who we are lucky enough to have in East Grinstead. Elaine creates the most amazing bespoke cakes that look as mouth watering as they taste. I have made it my mission to taste a fair bit of cake over the years and hand on heart Elaine from Janeymac is one of the best I have ever tasted. Her designs are exquisite and whenever I walk into a reception room the quality of a Janeymac cake just screams at me!
Elaine and I have been lucky enough to feature in both the summer and autumn editions of Wedding Cakes a Design Source; happy days indeed.
Keep looking out as there will be other posts showing some of my other published work.
So now back to editing and album design today, editing is full of joy watching images spring to life and album design is reliving a wonderful wedding day all over again, so a day of lovely contrasts.
Claire :)

Friday, 8 November 2013

Weddings at Swallows Oast Ticehurst East Sussex - Rachael and Patrick

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Good Afternoon Folks,

Welcome to part two showcasing the wedding photography at Swallows Oast in Ticehurst East Sussex of Rachael and Patrick.

Part one saw us at another amazing wedding venue in Sevenoaks; West Heath School and I loved the fact that they had chosen two very different locations to celebrate their big day. Swallows Oast is just that a beautiful old oast house nestled in rolling hills that is the East Sussex countryside. We arrived at the wedding venue and it was good for everyone to have a little more champers and tuck into the canapés before sitting down to a hearty feast. Julie and I were very happy (well me as Julie is not big on sweet things) to have what I think was the biggest Eton Mess I have ever seen. Julie loved it so it must have been good!

We then went off for an evening stroll to capture some lovely moments in the golden evening sun. We had the most hilarious time and my sides were aching with laughing! Julie came up with a most unusual invention, all I can say it that will stay between us but she is determined to take in on Dragon's Den…good luck with that one me Julie ;)

So without further ado on to today's images. I am featuring the amazing field that is just beyond the woodland walk, the light was just sublime here and I loved the far reaching views that are in abundance. Again just another image away from the rustic grass and last but not least this images that I adore, Rachael is sitting quietly by the tree gazing into the distance and the overall effect reminds me of something out of a Constable painting; it really is very tranquil.

This weekend sees Remembrance Sunday and I will be taking time out to remember all those that sacrificed their lives for us.

Claire :)

Regional Finalist 2014 Wedding Industry Awards Good Evening Folks, I am absolutely delighted to say that I have reached the regional finals of the 2014 Wedding Industry Awards for my wedding photographer category in the South East and London.

This my wonderful clients is all down to you as brides and grooms who were married between 1st November 2012 and 31st October 2013 were applicable to vote, score and comment so without you I would not have got this far.

Here is a short slideshow to say thank you to each and every one of you as without you being you I could not be me!

Thank you,

Claire :)


Condé de Nast Brides Magazine Brides the Show Battersea - Emma Tindley

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Good Morning Folks,
Today's blog is a little different and to be honest I am still in a bit of shock! This weekend I was at Brides the Show hosted by the Condé de Nast magazine Brides with Emma Tindley. Having completed the 2014 collection shoot last Monday it was a race to edit a prepare a few images for release at the show on Friday.
We were up at the crack on dawn on Friday morning to make the trip to London and prepare the stand for the grand opening and VIP evening. We were so pleased to be opposite the wonderful Maids to Measure and there was much hilarity during the day; everything was finished by about 3.30 pm and we then headed off to our hotel to have a quick chat, change to be back in time for the grand opening. Emma was very sleek in a black dress with sparkles, wonderful 'hair-do' and tiara. I opted for a cheeky little pink Tindley number that fitted perfectly with the stand theme. The evening was a great success with lots of press interest but nothing could prepare us for what was to come.
The buses were arriving from Sloane Square early and there were queues of people waiting for the doors to open. We were absolutely mobbed all day and the crowds became overwhelming after each catwalk show. We literally could not believe what we were witnessing, in the end we had to implement an appointment system so that everyone could witness a bit of the Tindley exclusivity! Emma and I arrived on the stand just before 10.00 am and we did not leave the stand at all until 5.10 pm; I can be so precise because that was the first time all day I was able to visit the 'powder room'. Amanda was a godsend and she was there to chat and keep an element of crowd control, and folks I am really not exaggerating here!
There were so many highlights of the day and to see the many beautiful brides at the moment they have found the 'one' is something I could never tire of. The London catwalk was awe inspiring, and from the images I am posting today I think you will agree. I was also able to have a peek behind the scenes and wow this was the most amazing set up.
So I will leave you today with a few images of Emma's stand and her Eleanor dress swishing down that glamorous London catwalk!
Look out later in the week for part two of Rachael and Patrick at Swallows Oast.
Claire :)