Good Afternoon Folks,
Welcome to the wedding photography at
Hayne Barn House, Hythe, Kent of Pru and Simon and if you have been reading my pre-wedding photography shoot blogs you will know this is a very special wedding indeed. In contrast to the rather grey and cold day in March, this day was gloriously sunny and when I arrived the guests were already enjoying a drinkie or two with convivial chat. The whole wedding took place at Hayne Barn House and Simon was able to get the know the venue prior to the wedding so that his surroundings were more familiar. As you know from my previous blog Simon had a terrible car accident, which among other things has left him totally blind. Does this get Simon down, nooooo, he met his beautiful bride Pru at the blind college he attended and it was love at first touch and sight :) Pru and Simon are a truly lovely couple and I always come away from my visits with a light heart and aching muscles from laughing so much, and beware that Simon is a minx, but we love it; don't ever change :)
So here are today's images and the descriptives are for Simon so he can match them with my dialogue on the day. Simon you should remember this very well; there was chat as to how you were going to walk up the aisle together and you didn't want to do the shoulder guidance but walk hand in hand. In the end the decision was made for the shoulder hold, well this had to be the funniest walk up the aisle I have ever seen. 'Foxy' managed to tread on the dress, the train and the veil and this picture is just after you trod on the veil and Pru's head was yanked back. Pru has the most brilliant laugh, you are grinning like a Cheshire cat and then Pru says "Foxy your feet are too big" in the background you can see your guests laughing. Pru then says "well it wouldn't be us if something like this didn't happen"...fabulous! This image is black and white and suits the mood perfectly.
The next image is of Pru under the shade of the trees adjacent to the marquee, she is standing up and holding her bridal bouquet of cream roses and lilies; at the centre of each rose is a little purple crystal that brings together the colours of your wedding. This image was taken before the wedding, so that would be before you trod on the train, dress and veil Simon...and this is my cue to duck ;) The image has been presented in a muted colour tone that echoes back to another time.
So we now move on to you Simon, this image was taken by the door to the house, if you walked through the door you would be in the hall. You are doing a fantastic pose with great leg and arm positioning and I have to say that you were one the easiest Grooms for posing and as for that Liam; well least said soonest mended eh Simon! Umber is with you and you are facing towards the gardens where you could probably hear all your lovely guests having a chat in the sun. The image is in black and white for extra fabulousness; not sure that's a proper word but I like it.
After your meal we went for a stroll in the grounds to bask in the warm glow of the evening sun, the house is to your right and behind you is the tree lined path that we wandered along earlier in the day. There is a beautiful tree behind you, a maple of sorts I think, with leaves of the deepest, glossiest and richest burgundy. This light here really echoes how relaxed and happy you both felt at this time, and you were able to have a quiet chat and a sneaky kiss too.
Well this makes me giggle, it is a collage of four images and features Fraya your little bridesmaid. This was taken in the formal garden behind the yew trees that are placed either side of the crazy paved path with the curvy steps. I like it because the gardens are long and thin with a white picket fence surrounding them, straight down the middle is a thin path and we had a wander along there at the pre-wedding shoot. Fraya is on her way down the path with the purple pom, poms that you gave her, in the next image she has 'clocked' me photographing her. I then tell her to put her pom poms in front of her face and quickly pull them apart and smile. She did it beautifully and looked so adorably cute. These images have a different sort of muted colour tone applied and I like it because it gives more of a feel for the story being told, it evokes more of an emotion for some reason.
I had loads of fun on your day, you are a wonderful couple and a pleasure to photograph buts let's finish off with a bit of humour. I was doing a shoulder walk with Simon to the sunny spot in the evening, well there was only so much Pru's dress and neck could take; Simon says "what's that on your shoulder Claire, it feels like rubber" "Oh does it it Simon" peals of laughter ensue "Well it's my camera strap" says Claire "Are you sure" says Simon "Well me dressed in rubber and it would probably be the one time you would be thankful you couldn't see" says Claire...peals and and peals of laughter!
Have a great weekend folks,
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