Good Morning Folks,
Welcome to the really fun West Sussex Wedding Photography at
South Lodge Hotel, Lower Beeding West Sussex of Debbie and Matt. The day started at South Lodge and then it was off to St Mark's Church in Horsham West Sussex to photograph the boys ahead of the wedding service. Debbie arrived and after a chat with their brilliant Vicar Rev Dr Richard Coldicott who was so much fun, it was time for Debbie to meet her Groom and get married. We again had another fabulous speech from the Vicar and this one involved Toblerone; the mahoosive bar that was used for demonstration purposes was distributed after the service, and another equally mahoosive bar was given to Debbie and Matt; now that's my kind of wedding service. I can honestly say it is a first to have Toblerone given as exit gifts at a wedding but I wholeheartedly approve ;)
We then made our way back to South Lodge where the fabulous toastmaster
Paul G Smith was waiting to greet us, the weather then decided to do its usual thing and rain buckets. Later in the day there was a break in the rain, the clouds went and things were improving so the intrepid gang jumped in the buggy and headed for the lake. Frank from
Enchant Films and I decided to rummage in the bluebell woods for some interesting angles; I was in front and I successfully managed to steer clear of the badger holes but I got a little cocky and whoosh one whole leg went in and down I went! The cameras were the most important thing and they were kept safe so I then had to get said leg out, which was up to the thigh, that done there was no way I was missing this shot now. The next thing more shrieks from Debbie, Matt and my assistant as Frank went up to the thigh in one I had managed to navigate round; I think Debbie and Matt thought they were about to lose their whole media team in one swoop! Oh no, the intrepid duo got up and carried on and we both got the shot and footage....oh yessss!
So for today's images; the views at South Lodge are just stunning and we were blessed with some early evening sun that just made this shot. Ah yes the bluebells, well having told the story I had to show you the shot didn't I! Frank also has a show reel on his
Enchant Films vimeo page the link will take you there so you can see for yourself :) So having survived badger holes we thought we were home and dry, not so; in the blink of an eye the weather turned and from nowhere (well Matt saw something dodgy in the distance) it absolutely lashed down and this is the shot we managed to grab. When we got back to the venue I was soaked with bluebell and grass stains, with a face that looked like something from Kiss, my assistant looked like she had taken a shower fully clothed with poor Frank who looked like me minus the Kiss look (he doesn't wear mascara!), Matt looked like someone had thrown a bucket of water down his back. Then there was Debbie, bone dry, beautiful, radiant without a spec on her; the staff at the hotel look at the bedraggled bunch, then looked at Debbie and said "did you go with them?" Ah yes we go the extra mile to make sure that our Brides remain absolutley perfect :) My last image of the day is a detail shot of the dress; I just love the way it looks on the hangar with those fabulous Jenny Packham shoes!
What a fun and eventful day and one of the reasons I love photographing weddings, each one is special and different just like my clients.
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